Rackspace: Leading the cloud migration market

RME Editor Anita Joseph caught up with George Pawlyszyn, General Manager, Middle East and Africa at Rackspace Technology to learn more about the company’s growth, the demand for managed cloud services and the market shift to the multi-cloud model.

Multi-Cloud Requires Impeccable Digital Hygiene

Businesses looking to deliberately form a multi-cloud strategy must first ensure that their standards of digital hygiene including cybersecurity protocols, tracking, clear roles and responsibilities are fit for purpose. This is fundamental to the success of reaping the very real benefits of, while managing the potential risks in terms of cloud security and cost containment.

Taking cloud solutions to the ‘extreme’

CNME Editor Mark Forker spoke to Sanjeev Verma, Executive Director – AGC Networks and President & CEO at Black Box Corporation, to learn more about the solutions Extreme Networks have developed to meet the evolving demands of customers – and what the benefits and capabilities are of their ExtremeCloud IQ offering.

I can see clearly now the Cloud has gone

David Noël, Regional Vice President, Southern Europe, Middle East & Africa at AppDynamics believes that ‘visibility’ in a hybrid cloud model is critical and could be the difference between prosperity or failure for enterprises in an exclusive op-ed for CNME.


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