Nvidia Corp. disclosed a charge of $119.1 million for its second fiscal quarter, ended July 26, to cover costs related …

Nvidia Corp. disclosed a charge of $119.1 million for its second fiscal quarter, ended July 26, to cover costs related …
Microsoft's newest operating system for PCs will launch in late October, but it won't boost PC sales enough to help …
Today's hot Apple rumor suggests an iPhone 3GS 8GB may be on the way. The Boy Genius Report has screen …
The worldwide mobile phone market remained weak in the second quarter despite some encouraging signs in smartphone shipments, market researcher …
Intel has launched new solid-state drives that are cheaper and have faster write speeds than their predecessors, the company said. …
The price of DRAM computer memory chips is on the rise as global PC makers gear up for back-to-school and …
European antitrust investigators believe a cartel in the market for LCD screens extends around the world, a European Commission official …
Demand for the next generation DRAM chip, DDR3 (double data rate, third generation), has spiked recently as systems makers turn …
Plenty of small, geographically dispersed teams within large organizations can benefit from telepresence. The same holds true for small and …
Greenpeace International on Wednesday criticized some major PC makers for backtracking on commitments to reduce hazardous substances in hardware. Hewlett-Packard, …
Two and a half years ago, Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone and said that its software was five years …
Intel and handset maker Nokia are teaming to develop new mobile computing device and chipset architectures, the companies said. The …
Jacky’s Electronics, the UAE’s leading multi-electronics retailer, has seen a 40 % increase in demand for Netbooks for the first six …
Western Digital announced that it has begun shipping its first solid-state line of disk drives based on technology it acquired …
As everyone knows, Dell is late to the smartphone party. Very late. In fact, it hasn't even arrived yet and …
LifeSize Communications and Radvision are taking two different routes toward high-definition desktop videoconferencing, both aiming to bring more participants into …
Microsoft has taken its first steps in redefining search with its “decision engine,” releasing Bing to a generally positive reception …
Hoping to ride a recent surge in movies and TV shows filmed in 3-D, Acer plans to release a notebook …
Yahoo will add about 20 third-party applications to several of its sites so that people have fewer reasons to browse …
Freescale Semiconductor displayed a number of devices containing its chips at Computex Taipei 2009 this year, including an e-book reader …