Kingdom connect

Saudi Arabian Airlines have provisioned a $1 billion deal to implement the IT infrastructure for King Abdullah Economic City in Saudi Arabia. James Dartnell reports from the development to find out how the airline’s privatised IT arm aims to inspire the next generation of Saudis.

EMT and Secunia conduct training session

EMT Distribution has concluded a training programme on vulnerability intelligence and security. The training session was held in association with Secunia recently at the Microsoft Technology Centre in the Microsoft Office in Dubai Media City, UAE.

Cisco reveals OpenFlow SDN killer

Cisco is this week unveiling an alternative to OpenFlow for software-defined networking and proposing it as a standard, while adding it as a vital component of the company’s new programmable architecture.

To your health

SEHA’s move from a paper-based record system to the new Malaffi electronic medical record system was no small feat. The system delivers a completely integrated system and is considered a large implementation by international standards.

Toshiba Kirabook: Rich and thin, but still falls short

Toshiba’s engineers committed a few critical design mistakes that severely undermined their Ultrabook’s claim to luxury status. Thankfully Toshiba has made amends–mostly. The second-gen Kirabook is better, more powerful, and less expensive. But it remains a few features short of being a masterpiece.

New York Times: NSA hacked into Huawei HQ servers

The U.S. National Security Agency has hacked into Huawei Technologies servers, spied on communications of company executives and collected information to plant so-called backdoors on equipment from the Chinese networking manufacturer, according to reports published over the weekend.

A newer, faster Thunderbolt

Intel could soon bring to market a faster version of its Thunderbolt connector technology with a throughput of 50Gbps, but the …

Innovation on tap

As the largest importer of alcohol in the region, African + Eastern is leading the way in both distribution of products and sales innovation. Samir Khan, Regional IS Manager of the company, is always looking for new ways to streamline the business using cutting-edge technology.


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