Enterprise apps in 2014: What's in store

If recent history is any indication, 2014 will be a busy year for the enterprise applications industry as vendors jockey for position and customers ponder moves from legacy ERP and CRM implementations to cloud-based services. Here’s a look at what some of the sector’s main players are likely to do as the year unfolds.

Cutting through the confusion

Cloud and Big Data are two topics that have been shrouded in confusion over the past 12 months. Quite apart from the never-ending hyperbole surrounding the two mega-trends, their reputations have taken something of a battering over the past year.

The last days of Unix

Unix, the core server operating system in enterprise networks for decades, now finds itself in a slow, inexorable decline. IDC predicts that Unix server revenue will slide from $10.2 billion in 2012 to $8.7 billion in 2017, and Gartner sees Unix market share slipping from 16 percent in 2012 to 9 percent in 2017.

In-memory of disk storage

CIOs’ ears perked up a couple of months ago when Gartner declared that in-memory computing (IMC) is racing towards mainstream adoption, and that CIOs must reskill their teams if they want to fully exploit it.

Creating memories

Software AG-acquired Terracotta is making big moves in Big Data; its in-memory tools have seen 2.5 million deployments. Chief evangelist Gagan Mehar talks to CNME about the hype surrounding Big Data and the company’s love/hate relationship with SAP’s in-memory technology, HANA.

SAP goes soppy at Sapphire

With approximately 80,000 people tuning in digitally around the world, SAP’s board of executives preached to a near 100,000 strong crowd in Florida — and the message could not have been clearer; it believes HANA is the future of business.


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