When the chips are down

HP’s dogged and determined CEO, Meg Whitman, has had a tough time since taking the big job back in September 2011. She has had to answer some tough questions whilst remaining defiant that her and her board can take HP back to its glory days.

Dell SonicWall honours top partners

Dell SonicWall recently recognised its best performing partners at the annual Dell SonicWall partner event, which attracted over 140 partners. …

UNB upgrades to Windows 8

Microsoft Gulf and Union National Bank (UNB) on Monday announced a partnership that will see UNB upgrade parts of its …

Leading the pack

Within first five years of operation, Redington Value has already made its mark in the regional value-added distribution landscape. B …

A mobile future

It has been an eventful year in the solutions world as enterprises witnessed the rise of managed services, mobility and …

Back to the future

Boy, was I glad to reach the end of October. GITEX had engulfed CNME since September and we were still …


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