A class of its own

All-in-one colour printers have been gaining popularity in the last few years. Reseller ME analyses why and how it impacts the channel.

The BYO-Dilemma

The bring-your-own-device (BYOD) trend has taken the world by storm, with many commentators labelling it an unstoppable force that the enterprise must come to terms with.

Through the looking glass

And it was all going so well. As vendors began to build more comprehensive cloud-based product roadmaps, Middle Eastern users were beginning to see just how cloud services can streamline their businesses. According to a Gartner report from earlier in the year, cloud adoption was due to grow monumentally in the region up to 2016. This was largely due to issues surrounding security and compliance being ironed out.

In the virtual realm

Redington Value has been recently signed up by VMware to distribute its whole portfolio in MENA region, with a special focus on software-defined data centres. We speak to B. Ramkumar, Senior Vice President, Redington Gulf-Value Division, about the deal and further plans for 2014.

The Way Forward

When it comes to security, it seems everyone’s in a state of perpetual panic. Whether it’s mobile malware, BYOD or hacktivism, over the course of 2013 the issue of protecting valuable information and resisting attack has inspired a dizzying and persistent challenge.

Empowering the Crowd

As Powering The Cloud hosted its 10th anniversary show in Frankfurt, few would question that cloud computing uptake is on the rise. The same few would question that it is a trend that is here to stay, and one that businesses will have to adapt to.

Ten times the power

The tenth edition of the Powering the Cloud conference held in Frankfurt, Germany, suggested a bigger-than-ever drive to adopt cloud computing, despite continuing security concerns.

Entrust expands presence in the Middle East

The company expanded its presence with the opening of a new office in Dubai and the appointment of Hani Zeini to lead technical enablement for Entrust channel partners in the region.

GBM offers insights into mobility solutions for the businesses in Doha

At its first Enterprise Mobility event in Doha, Gulf Business Machines (GBM), a Middle East IT solutions provider explained how companies and government can leverage smart phones and tablets. The company discussed the increasing need for flexible and secure mobile solutions and infrastructure to conduct transactions over different smart devices.

VMware appoints Redington Value as VAD for MENA

The objective of the partnership is to accelerate the adoption of VMware’s solutions among all local customer segments, with a priority focus on technology relating to the Software-Defined Data Center, the hybrid cloud and end-user computing.

Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.


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