Striking a balance

The concept of business-IT alignment is a top priority for most CIOs around the world. But it presents a conundrum. How can CIOs ensure that their efforts satisfy a company’s internal technology needs as well as delivering value to the most important stakeholder – the customer?

Rack by rack

Back once again for its third annual outing, CNME’s Data Centre Build roadshow reached Riyadh, Doha and Dubai, drawing in scores of IT decision-makers and industry figureheads to reflect on how to design and optimise the vital foundations of IT infrastructure. We report from the Dubai leg of the conferences.

Microsoft releases Office 2016

Microsoft Corp. began the worldwide release of Office 2016. The company also announced new and enhanced Office 365 services built for team productivity.

GBM, ITA Oman launch ICT training programme

Gulf Business Machines (GBM) has partnered with the Information Technology Authority (ITA) of Oman to launch a programme aimed at increasing interest and offering opportunities for Omani graduates within the ICT sector.

Easy money

As hackers become more organised, previously challenging targets seem like easy pickings. In the past, a thief would need to take on high-risk behaviour to gain access to the goods. Now, the big payoff may be only a few clicks away.

OMA Emirates to deploy Automated Insurance Machine for QIC

OMA Emirates-Solution Gulf has announced the provision of an end-to-end system that will assist the region’s first Automated Insurance Machine (AIM), a self-service insurance purchase facility pioneered by Qatar Insurance Company (QIC) for its customers for easy insurance purchase.


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