Judges and police investigators are on track to submit about the same number of requests to Microsoft for end user data this year as they did in 2012, according to figures released Friday.

Judges and police investigators are on track to submit about the same number of requests to Microsoft for end user data this year as they did in 2012, according to figures released Friday.
Following two days of social media meltdown, du came back to its customers with an option to opt out of new, higher-priced packages. Tom Paye asks, does this prove the power of social media?
Apple’s voice-recognition based personal assistant Siri has been in beta for the last two years, and has remained as such …
If you just picked up your iPhone 5s, you may be itching to record some slow-motion video. (I know I …
Microsoft is the highest ranked technology company in a study that recognises the top 20 best companies for leadership in the world.windowseverywhere
Countries that have pledged to support Internet freedom should allow technology vendors to report the number of electronic surveillance requests they receive, a tech advocacy group said Thursday.
Microsoft still hasn’t found what it’s looking for in the search market – a way to beat Google – but it’s not giving up just yet.
The days of shrugging off Twitter may soon be over. Some 200 million users strong, the site is already one of the most prominent social networks, but going public could give it the muscle to become the next Facebook or Apple, one analyst said.
The CEOs of Yahoo and Facebook were each on the hot seat Wednesday answering questions about the U.S. government’s data surveillance programs.
Over 100 Middle East-based IT professionals today filled the Habtoor Grand Hotel’s Andalus Ballroom to bursting point, as Infrastructure Strategies 2013 kicked off the local tech event season with a bang.
Nissan is working on a smart watch that will monitor both its Nismo cars and their drivers. The watch, which …
There are few consumer electronics products as hyped at present as so-called smartwatches. While much of the hype is due …
Searching through Twitter’s archive of tweets can be frustrating – they are sorted on the site by Twitter’s own algorithms, and older tweets tend to get buried. Google? Forget it. Topsy, an analytics company, wants to do it better.
Samsung’s Galaxy Gear is here, launched on Wednesday at Germany’s IFA electronics show. I got a chance to try it …
The U.S. isn’t doing a good job keeping secrets. Think Edward Snowden. But demand for trustworthy IT professionals is strong, especially if they want to work for Amazon Web Services.
Yahoo’s logo is now a little bit sleeker, under a redesign unveiled Wednesday in keeping with the company’s reinvention efforts.
You have 25 years of experience as an IT professional, you made it through the dot com boom and the housing bubble. So why is it you can’t seem to find a new position in your chosen technology field?
Tim Ondrey has glimpsed the future of the job-search market, and it’s going multimedia. Already, he has had one friend …
Can the big cloud vendors work around the allegations of NSA surveillance, or is there a gloomy outlook for cloud in the region?
When it comes to tapping into U.S. telecommunications networks for surreptitious surveillance, the U.S. National Security Agency can’t be accused of not paying its way.