For all the hype around cloud computing, few business customers are actually storing data on Web-based platforms, according to a …
Cloud storage hype: Customers not buying it
For all the hype around cloud computing, few business customers are actually storing data on Web-based platforms, according to a …
Nexus One another tactic in Google's ad-revenue strategy
Dash all the announcements of Google Inc.'s fast new phone, Nexus One, because on Tuesday the search company made conceivably …
If Windows is a dead end, what’s next?
The writing is on the wall. Despite a major push to sell the much-maligned Windows Vista, customers aren’t buying. Nearly …
If Windows is a dead end, what's next?
The writing is on the wall. Despite a major push to sell the much-maligned Windows Vista, customers aren't buying. Nearly …
10 big cloud trends for 2010
Cloud computing is clearly worming its way into the enterprise, especially as a testing and development environment and as a …
10 big cloud trends for 2010
Cloud computing is clearly worming its way into the enterprise, especially as a testing and development environment and as a …
Smartphone attacks, rogue antivirus, cloud breaches top 2010 security concerns
The rise of the Conficker worm and Heartland Payment Systems' enormous data breach were two defining security events in 2009. …
Five big questions about cloud computing
In a largely downbeat year, I couldn’t help but delight in Larry Ellison’s over-the-top takedown of cloud computing last September. …
Five big questions about cloud computing
In a largely downbeat year, I couldn't help but delight in Larry Ellison's over-the-top takedown of cloud computing last September. …
How to protect your cloud data
The Cloud Security Alliance has taken a second run at creating recommendations for businesses to follow in order to better …
Microsoft, Cisco, IBM and others form cloud computing group
A group of companies is starting up an Enterprise Cloud Buyers Council in hopes of removing barriers to enterprise use …
Microsoft adds app, data marketplace to Windows Azure
Microsoft Corp. said that its upcoming Windows Azure cloud computing platform will come with marketplaces for both online apps built …
Microsoft adds app, data marketplace to Windows Azure
Microsoft Corp. said that its upcoming Windows Azure cloud computing platform will come with marketplaces for both online apps built …
Ubuntu 9.10 Linux creator calls Windows 7 'excellent release'
Mark Shuttleworth, founder and CEO of Canonical Ltd., the maker of the most popular desktop Linux alternative to Microsoft Corp.’s …
Ubuntu 9.10 Linux creator calls Windows 7 'excellent release'
Mark Shuttleworth, founder and CEO of Canonical Ltd., the maker of the most popular desktop Linux alternative to Microsoft Corp.'s …
Mozilla releases Raindrop, a prototype messaging tool
Mozilla has launched a software project designed to let people better manage the voluminous stream of messages coming from sources …
Mozilla releases Raindrop, a prototype messaging tool
Mozilla has launched a software project designed to let people better manage the voluminous stream of messages coming from sources …
Google turns 11 with an eye on Microsoft
Eleven years ago, Larry Page and Sergey Brin founded Google Inc. with a search engine and a plan. Now their …
Google Docs 'widely used' at 1-in-5 workplaces, reports survey
The near total dominance of Microsoft Office in the workplace may be getting a serious challenge from Google Docs, according …