Biometrics: a security bane or boon?

Biometric security, whether fingerprint, facial or iris recognition, is fast emerging as the preferred way to safeguard the data of companies and individuals from threat actors. However, while biometric identification may be less prone to theft and spoofing than passwords, it’s still vulnerable to hacking.

Which industries has digitalisation culled?

A range of household names have succumbed to the power of digital technology in recent years. We explore where the likes of Kodak went wrong, as well as the industries that are on the verge of the most profound disruption – or even extinction.

Bad (Internet of) Things

Having seen first-hand the damage that can be caused by malicious IoT devices during the Dyn attack in October, organisations must now consider what can be done to keep these clever things from causing harm.

Is WhatsApp missing a trick?

Avaya Director for Sales Engineering for the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Savio Tovar Dias gives his take on WhatsApp’s most recent announcement and how it can be instrumental in improving customer experiences.


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