Profiting on IPv6

Although the new Internet Protocol version was launched over a year ago, alarmingly, its adoption is still quite low in the Middle East. Reseller ME finds out how this could be an opportunity for the channel, if partners play their cards right.

Lenovo Yoga Tablet review: a cool concept that comes up short

Have you noticed that tablets are starting to feel a little mundane? You’ve got a rectangular slate with a large display while the manufacturer’s bragging about how it’s some fragment of a millimeter thinner or some fraction of an ounce lighter than the last.

Red Hat announces OPEN

The Online Partner Enablement Network is designed to empower partners and give them access to guidance and technical information 24/7.

MDM: The ultimate guide

With some commentators labeling the BYOD trend as unstoppable, organisations are now turning to MDM to ensure the security of their networks. But how should MDM be tackled?

FVC highlights new vendors

FVC ramped up its annual participation in GITEX this year, thanks to the addition of four new vendor-partners to its portfolio.

Big Data: big threat?

“Collecting more and more unstructured data will open up another whole degree of attractiveness and may well lead to attackers seeing value in a form not previously recognised by the organisation that owns the data.”

Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.


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