In new jobs after graduating from university, Eric Perriard and Tom Wright found their employers could articulate grandiose strategies for their businesses. But there was little connection to how the average employee could help out.

In new jobs after graduating from university, Eric Perriard and Tom Wright found their employers could articulate grandiose strategies for their businesses. But there was little connection to how the average employee could help out.
Apple doesn’t promote enterprise features in its products, instead choosing to be seen as the consumer’s champion-but this doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any.
Mere days into the Steve Ballmer Successor Watch, guessing who will be his replacement has become a new tech industry …
Klaus Schulz, Manager of Product Marketing, EMEA, Fujitsu
SDN offers immediate and future growth opportunities for those who begin to prepare now. SDN is about better utilisation and increasing the agility of the underlying infrastructure, not about replacing it.
Sims Recycling Solutions has been nominated in the Waste Management category for the 2013 Global Cleantech Cluster Association (GCCA) 2013 Later Stage Award.
AccessData this week announced that it has signed a distribution agreement with ARM, which specialises in cyber-security and other consumer-related IT software products in region.
Dubai-based FVC has signed a distribution agreement with Watchful Software, a provider of data-centric information security solutions. This partnership allows …
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer survived the flop that was Windows Vista, but he wasn’t able to do the same after the disappointment of Windows 8.
Capgemini has launched an on-demand analytics platform via Amazon Web Services (AWS) to give companies a cost-effective way to handle their Big Data.
There are two Motorolas: One is the Google subsidiary that gave us the excellent consumer-focused Moto X, and the other is …
As the tech industry grapples with the potential benefits and risks of the digital currency Bitcoin, policymakers should take care not …
Job vacancies for IT workers are increasing at a faster rate in areas outside of London, despite an on-going drive by the government to promote Tech City and start-ups in the East End of the Capital.
In response to the leaks from former NSA-worker Edward Snowden, President Obama swore to preserve the sprawling data collection programs, but he also vowed to make a number of reforms, including making government’s activities more transparent. And Wednesday, it appears that the government is taking at least a cosmetic step in that direction. On Tumblr.
Life for an Android developer has always been pretty straightforward. You downloaded Eclipse and installed the Android Developer Tools. The …
Nginx is releasing a commercial edition of its namesake open source Web server software, called Nginx Plus, which it will market as a software alternative to application delivery controllers (ADCs).
When Microsoft shipped Windows 2000 and Active Directory, Apple didn’t really have a solution for identity management or for linking Macs to an enterprise network. The company was just beginning the transition from its classic Mac OS – the first version of which had shipped on the first Mac in 1984 — to OS X.
For many companies, the self-service business intelligence (BI) experience is similar to the early days of agile development. Back then, companies flocked to agile methodologies, drawn by the promise of faster delivery cycles, improved business-IT relations and expedited delivery.
Riverbed Technology, the application performance company, recently extended its market leading Steelhead wide area network (WAN) optimisation product family with the addition of a new hardware appliance and upgrades to its Steelhead software.
The market share of Apple’s iPad fell dramatically in China during the second quarter as a result of competition from Android tablets made by little-known “white box” vendors.