TouchForce, interview with Syed Shahan

CNME Editor Mark Forker managed to secure an exclusive interview with Syed Shahan, Founder of TouchForce, to find out the inspiration behind the creation of the company and how it is positioned itself to help companies in the Middle East to become empowered through the utilisation of emerging technologies.

Op-ed: Why Most AI Projects Fail

Anas A. Abdul-Haiy, Director and Deputy CEO of Proven Consult, highlights factors that contribute towards successful implementation of AI tools and can also lead to failure of projects if they are misaligned with business priorities.

Veeam Reports 22% Growth in 2020

Completion of venture acquisition by Insight Partners, acquiring Kasten, releasing 16 major releases including the highly-anticipated Veeam Availability Suite v10, and massive Cloud success drove Veeam to more than 400,000 customers and record sales.


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