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Middle East:

TahawulTech.com: SANS Dubai to address cybersecurity skills shortage in Middle East
Eye of Dubai: SANS Dubai 2019 Helping to Develop Strong Talent to Address Region’s Cyber Security Skills Shortage
Eye of Riyadh: SANS Dubai 2019 Helping to Develop Strong Talent to Address Region’s Cyber Security Skills Shortage
Zawya: SANS Dubai 2019 helping to develop strong talent to address region's Cyber Security skills shortage
MENA Herald: SANS Dubai 2019 Helping to Develop Strong Talent to Address Region’s Cyber Security Skills Shortage
Enterprise Channels MEA: SANS Dubai 2019 to Develop Strong Talent to Address Region’s Cyber Security Skills Shortage
Business Intelligence ME: SANS Dubai 2019 helping to develop strong talent to address region's cyber security skills shortage
Al Khaleej: Sanz Dubai 2019 is a new specialist in cybersecurity
Emarat Al Youm: Sanz Dubai 2019 addresses the lack of numbers of specialists in cybersecurity
AlBayan: Digitalization» guarantee to maintain competitiveness in new market
Security MEA: SANS to hold its next Cyber Security Training in Dubai
ITP.net: SANS security training courses back in Dubai
Intelligent CISO: SANS Dubai 2019 to address cybersecurity skills shortage in the Middle East
Intelligent CIO: SANS Dubai 2019 to address cybersecurity skills shortage in the Middle East
Network Middle East: SANS Dubai 2019 training schedule starts end of January
Arabian Industry: SANS security training courses back in Dubai
Security Middle East: SANS Dubai 2019 helping to develop strong talent to address region’s cyber security skills shortage
Khaleej Times: ME expects growing adoption of encryption strategies
The Arab Weekly: Skills gap exacerbates cybersecurity problem as Middle East faces threats
ITP.net: 3D printers being left open to the web
Arab News: Inside Iran’s fake-news machine


Rest of EMEA:

ComputerWoche: Social-Engineering-Angriffe erkennen und verhindern
Verdict: Brexit could increase the UK’s cyberattack risk – is education the answer?
QA Education: Encouraging learning to fill the cyber security skills gap
IT Security Guru: Deadline To Take Part In Cybersecurity Training Programme Cyber Discovery Extended To 31st January 2019
SC Media: Industry involvement is key to closing the cyber-security skills gap
InfoSecurity Group: Today's Guest Editor: James Lyn
Info Security: Guest Editor: A Passion for Cybersecurity
IT PRO: UK IT sector enjoyed a 4.3% pay rise in 2018
BETA News: Christmas tech gadgets increase household cyber risks
Loud Magazine: CTRL+ALT+DEL the stereotypes surrounding a career in cybersecurity
FutureScot: Search to find cyber security experts of the future continues for second year
ComputerWeekly.com: UK cyber security strategy making ‘good progress’
SC Media: Cyber Discovery scheme developing UK skills base extends to Scotland and Northern Ireland
IT PRO: Cyber security skills initiative extends to Scotland and Northern Ireland after successful trial in England
FE News: Search to find Cyber Security experts of the future continues for second year
Telecompaper: UK govt continues cyber security skills programme for teenagers
dataIQ: Cyber security scheme for students expands across UK
NewElectronics: Search to find cybersecurity experts of the future continues for second year
TEISS: UK’s Cyber Discovery programme to continue for a second year
ED Technology: Cyber Discovery programme extended to Scotland and Northern Ireland due to success
Computerwelt: 7 Tipps für die Zusammenarbeit mit Cyber Security Startups
CIO VON IDG: Diesen fünf Fakten sollte sich jeder CISO stellen
IT Production Online: 3D-Drucker: Fremdgesteuert durch unsachgemäße Konfiguration
IT Production Online: Bessere Verteidigung gegen industrielle Schadsoftware
Computerwoche: Social-Engineering-Angriffe erkennen und verhindern
QA Education: Encouraging learning to fill the cyber security skills gap
Funkschau: Quereinstieg in die Cybersecurity-Branche
Education Executive: The key to unlocking cyber-skills starts at school
Global Security Mag: IoT Industriel & sécurité : Sans Institute dévoile les résultats de son étude
Global Security Mag: SANS Institute rassemble les professionnels autour des enjeux de la
Informatique News: La sécurité de l’IoT est-elle une bombe à retardement ?
Solutions Numeriques: Etude – Cyberattaques : les entreprises ont amélioré leur détection
SearchSecurity.de: IT-Job Pentester: Anforderungen und Herausforderungen
Information Age: Organisations are beginning to find cyber threats more effectively
IT Pro Portal: Are colleges teaching real-world cyber security skills?
Info Security: Evolution of the Cybercrime-as-a-Service Epidemic
Lavie Numerique: 400 000 Comptes Piratés Chez British Airways : Les Premières Analyses
Informatique News: Retour sur le vol des données chez British Airways
Global Security Mag: James Lyne, Sans Institute, commente le piratage de British Airways
Funkschau: Das Domain Name System wird sicherer
IT Pro: cyber security Experts warn of 'brain drain' if intelligence sharing is absent from Brexit deal
IT Magazine: Falsche Konfigurationen machen 3D-Drucker zum Sicherheitsrisiko
The Register: Thousands of misconfigured 3D printers on interwebz run risk of sabotage
Netzwerker: 3D Drucker Unsachgemaesse Konfiguration ermoeglicht Spionage Sabotage und gefaehrdet Menschenleben
datensicherheit.de: Cybersicherheit in Industrie und Kritischer Infrastruktur muss ganzheitlich gedacht werden
IT Pro Portal
Global Security Mag: Cyberattaque Fancy Bear : quelles conséquences pour les élections, les entreprises et les citoyens ?
IOTNow: Endpoints are most vulnerable aspect of industrial IoT: Sans survey reveals confusion over security
SC Media: Hackers could use botnets to cause water shortages
Emerce: Endpoints zijn de kwetsbaarste schakel in het Industrial Internet of Things; onderzoek door het SANS Institute wijst op verwarring rond IIoT-beveiliging
Computable: ‘Industrie vertrouwt IIoT-beveiliging ondermaats’