Adva-Soft’s AntiCrop is a simple and easy-to-use photo editing app that serves a unique function: It’s the first mobile app that lets you expand the borders of your image.
The app’s name is a bit of a misnomer: AntiCrop works to expand your images by adding pixels to fill in the missing parts. Think of it as uncropping. And despite its name, the app can also be used for the more-familiar photo cropping.
There’s nothing complex about AntiCrop. Simply select the photo you wish to edit (or take one from within the app using the camera on your iOS device) and drag the borders of your image in the direction you wish to expand; AntiCrop fills in the rest. You can specify portrait or landscape orientations for your photos and choose from several sizes for each orientation. Tapping the Undo button allows you to view the original version of your image while holding it down will undo your changes.
You can also use AntiCrop to straighten images, as the app preserves the parts of an image that are usually lost when straightening. Swipe underneath the frame in the direction you wish to rotate the image. Once rotated, AntiCrop will adjust to fill in the missing pieces that would typically be cropped out.
How well does AntiCrop actually work? Pretty well, provided you are aware of the limitations of the app. The key, as its App Store description notes, is to use a photo with uniform patterns.
AntiCrop works beautifully when expanding photos with simple, consistent textures, such as sand on the beach, clouds in the sky, or grassy fields. It will not work with people, buildings, animals, or other unpredictable objects.
AntiCrop, which costs $1, is compatible with the iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 3.1 or later. A Mac app is also in the works, according to its developer.