The road to 5G

Rakesh Lakhani, Head of Mobile Broadband, Ericsson Middle East & Africa, talks about 5G and other trends in the telecom …

Blackberry may release an Android device

According to recent reports, the next Blackberry smartphone could run Android, however, it doesn’t look like BlackBerry would turn into just another Android vendor. Instead the Android device will only be incorporated in BlackBerry to help improve its standing as a device management company.

Ericsson: Networked Society to benefit major industries

The Networked Society is important in all aspects of life today, and especially going forth into the future. It is a starting point for innovation, socialisation and changing the way in which whole communities interact and live their lives.

VMware launches vCloud for NFV

VMware has entered the network function virtualisation market with a platform that lets service providers run their network functions as virtualised applications from different vendors.


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