The power of one

NWME: In June, you have unveiled Brocade One converged data centre strategy and product plans. Have you been able to …

A secure network

Today's businesses have global operations and numerous trusted partners constantly accessing their corporate resources. Many of these business-to-business (B2B) interactions …

Total protection

TrustPort is a bit of an enigma in the antivirus arena. The most interesting feature of the vendor’s latest offering …

Extreme agility

Dubai-based multi-billion dollar investment firm Legatum, which manages proprietary capital, has a unique management philosophy. The firm, which is focused …

On an upturn

Where does Riverbed go beyond WAN optimisation? You are a dominant player, but the danger is that you become a …

Disrupting the market

Chuck Schaeffer, chairman of Aplicor Standfirst: SaaS-based ERP and CRM vendor, Aplicor, is a veteran in its space with clients …


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