Google Wallet goes live

At long last, Google has launched its Google Wallet mobile payment application on Sprint Nexus S 4G smartphones. Google Wallet, …

Changing colours

Andrew Hurt, General Manager Xerox Emirates Set up more than two decades ago as a copier reseller, the company?s latest …

Iomega personal cloud

This solution allows individual ownership over how and where to access and share data. This is a personal network connecting …

Quickheal antivirus portfolio

In the market since 2002 the product has kept up with trends through its latest mobile cleanup, Android SMS block …

Peripheral pressure

Printer, display and storage vendors are facing a host of game changing pressures from multiple and varied areas Across the …

KS Parag, Managing Director, FVC

RME opinion The value added distributor has built up a fine model of identifying and selecting networking and communication solutions …


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