How to test the waters when it comes to cloud computing

After a period of reluctance, organisations are beginning to trust the cloud, but the decision far from ends at acceptance. Do you go public or private? Or do you go for a combination of both — otherwise known as a hybrid. The latter is allowing to dip before diving in.

Bolt from the Blue

When the first quarter saw IBM miss earnings expectations for the first time in eight years, questions were raised not just on Big Blue, but the state of the IT industry as a whole.

Red Hat reveals new VP for global strategic alliances

Red Hat today announced that it has named a new vice president of Global Strategic Alliances. Scott Musson, previously of VMware, will be responsible for Red Hat’s global alliance, system integrator and independent software vendor (ISV) relationships, and will manage Red Hat’s strategic relationships with HP, IBM, Dell and Cisco.

CIOs in privileged position to become the CEO

BT Global Services CEO Luis Alvarez said that CIOs are in a privileged position to become chief executives because of the opportunity that comes from “understanding the technology and understanding the business processes”.

How to make real-world use of Big Data

What is so new about Big Data, the tech buzzword that is attracting so much attention these days?  Ahmed Auda, Business Unit Executive, IBM Middle East Software Group, demystifies this latest technology trend


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