Found: 30 unmanaged servers that shouldn’t be

We just found 30 servers that can’t be accounted for. Thirty Internet-facing servers with no malware protection and patchy histories. I need to take a deep breath and figure out just how bad this is and what we can do to stop this sort of thing from happening again.

Big Data: big threat?

“Collecting more and more unstructured data will open up another whole degree of attractiveness and may well lead to attackers seeing value in a form not previously recognised by the organisation that owns the data.”

Document Sprawl

African Export-Import Bank is quite an important institution. Established in 1993 by African governments, investors and other financial institutions, its purpose is to finance and promote intra – and extra – African trade.

Taking the cloud public

No technology has bulldozed its way onto the global scene and promised to revolutionise enterprise IT as much as cloud computing.


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