Bringing it all together

Converged storage has transitioned from hype to market reality. Combining compute resources with storage delivery promises to drive efficiency and save money for enterprises reeling under the data deluge.

Weighing public against private cloud

A few years ago the only cloud in town was the public cloud, but today private and hybrid clouds are also true contenders.  In fact, private cloud implementations address a prevalent set of challenges and issues that public clouds cannot and can help speed up and smooth the way of cloud adoption.

Clear and present danger

Knowing what is happening on your network is a pre-requisite for security now. A new class of network visibility solutions is emerging to help you spot trouble and address issues.

Image innovators

At the recently concluded security event, Martin Gren, Co-founder, Axis Communication, says he doesn’t consider the region to be an emerging market as the uptake of technology is a lot faster here.

Being in sync

Reseller ME caught up with HID Global’s Managing Director EMEA, Harm Radstaak at the recently concluded Intersec to understand the company’s plans for the region.


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