Digging for gold

Intensified competition coupled with declining voice ARPU is forcing telecom service providers to look around for new revenue streams that some of the new advanced technologies offer. However, it can be a daunting task for carriers who are saddled with legacy systems and manual internal processes.

Intercept: NSA targets American Muslims

More than 40 privacy, civil rights and religious groups have called on President Barack Obama’s administration to provide a “full public accounting” of long-time email surveillance of prominent Muslims living in the U.S., following a news report detailing the spying by the U.S. National Security Agency and FBI.

Talking shop

Reseller Middle East’s fifth annual Partner Excellence Conference rallied together the channel community to discuss emerging market trends and evolving business operations.

Removing barriers

Florian Malecki, EMEA Product & Solutions Director, Dell, discusses how partners can take advantage of the opportunities present across business units, thanks to the integration of the SonicWall programme.

Chinese hackers target Iraq experts

A sophisticated Chinese hacker group that had been stealing information from U.S. policy experts on nearby Southeast Asia suddenly changed targets last month to focus on the Middle East – Iraq, in particular – security researchers CrowdStrike said Monday.

Top vendors unite for IoT ring

Intel, Samsung and Dell are among the founding members to have established the OIC, a new Internet of Things consortium to create standards so that billions of devices can connect to each other.

A safe bet

The OS wars are nothing new. Every user has a laundry list of reasons why their operating system is king. One of the key points in determining which OS reigns supreme is security. CNME investigates the security successes and pitfalls of the most commonly used operating systems.

Staying ahead of the game

Channel players say a holistic perspective is lacking when it comes to deploying BYOD solutions in the region. Reseller ME discusses how partners can make the most in this space.

ESET and Gateworx sign Egypt deal

ESET has signed a partnership agreement with the information security and business applications distributor Gateworx to distribute its security solutions portfolio in Egypt.

RSA: Brazilians lose $3.75 billion to Bolware

Brazilians using the country’s Boleto Bancrio money payment system could have been swindled out of as much as $3.75 billion by a piece of malware called ‘Bolware’ according to a new analysis by security firm RSA Security.

Work release

Employees and employers alike are embracing the move to mobile technology in the workplace. For employees, this means a greater amount a freedom when it comes to when and where they work. For employers, mobile technology can mean a boost in productivity and efficiency.

Safety first

Three-day IT security conference GISEC 2014 gave the masses a chance to meet first class security vendors as well as listen to presentations from internationally renowned security professionals. CNME reports from day one of the show.

Partner first

Fady Iskander, Channel and Commercial Regional Manager, MENA, Symantec, explains how partners can benefit from the new programme.

Cyberoam partners with SNB ME

Cyberoam has appointed SNB Middle East as their distribution partner for the Middle East region. It will be the authorised distributor for the vendor in UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait and Qatar.

GBM achieves Cisco Master certification

In a recent development, Gulf Business Machines (GBM) has achieved both the Master Collaboration and the Master Security Specialisations from Cisco, the only Cisco partner across Gulf to be awarded these distinctions.


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