Infor enhances user experience

GITEX is without a doubt the largest IT event in the Middle East and is a great chance for Infor to showcase its latest products, says Monzer Tohme, Regional Manager, Middle East, Infor.

Avaya firm on foundations

Avaya is keen to emphasise its use of smart solutions and “laying the foundations” for Smart Cities through its exhibition at GITEX Technology Week.

Cool, calm, connected

When planning a getaway, most travellers fantasise of ice cold beverages on the beach, relaxing massages and thowing their smartphone into the ocean. The reality is, however, that modern holiday-makers can rarely ditch their devices completely. When they need to connect, they demand speeds that will get them away from the screen and back on the beach.

Above and beyond

Over The Top (OTT) telecom services are a fantastic opportunity for consumers and the enterprise, but could pose a threat to vendors themselves. How is OTT impacting the telco market and what impact will it have in the future?

Slicker city

The road to Ajman Vision 2021 has already begun, the initiative demanding a happier, greener emirate driven by a ‘distinguished government’. A key partner of the project is city planner Ajman Municipality, whose increasingly mobile employees needed a sharper Wi-Fi solution to catalyse the mandate’s ambitious objectives.

Nimble networking

Evolving and expanding a network to meet ever-changing demands from consumers and business users is a challenge. Network optimisation services help customers to get the most out of their network investment, with the focus on network performance and end-user experience.


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