Rise of the machines

Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications could open up a new world of technological opportunity, both for consumers and for businesses. So why, despite the big buzz, hasn’t M2M taken off, and what interest should the Middle East take?

The last days of Unix

Unix, the core server operating system in enterprise networks for decades, now finds itself in a slow, inexorable decline. IDC predicts that Unix server revenue will slide from $10.2 billion in 2012 to $8.7 billion in 2017, and Gartner sees Unix market share slipping from 16 percent in 2012 to 9 percent in 2017.

The changing face of ERP

With small and medium-sized businesses now looking to implement watered-down ERP solutions, and the ‘nexus of forces’ bearing down, CNME investigates what’s in store for the future of ERP.

The gift of foresight

Though Kamal Osman Jamjoom (KOJ) Group has not deployed what it believes to be the current number-one solution on the market to boost its HR processes for staff, the company believes that its roll-out of Oracle Fusion will prove a winning move.

Creating memories

Software AG-acquired Terracotta is making big moves in Big Data; its in-memory tools have seen 2.5 million deployments. Chief evangelist Gagan Mehar talks to CNME about the hype surrounding Big Data and the company’s love/hate relationship with SAP’s in-memory technology, HANA.


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