Why does IT exist?

When Bill Clinton successfully ran for US President in 1992 his campaign strategist James Carville summed up their strategy in its totality as this: “It’s the economy, stupid.”

How to test the waters when it comes to cloud computing

After a period of reluctance, organisations are beginning to trust the cloud, but the decision far from ends at acceptance. Do you go public or private? Or do you go for a combination of both — otherwise known as a hybrid. The latter is allowing to dip before diving in.

WatchGuard rates highest in UTM

WatchGuard Technologies has been awarded a “Performance Verified Certification” by independent test lab, Miercom, for performing nearly 3.5 times faster …

BYOD: Who's in control?

As more employees demand to use their personal devices for work, IT managers are struggling to both accommodate them and safeguard confidential company data.

The big issue

As CNME prepares to host the Middle East’s first event entirely focused on big data, it delves head first into …


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