Bogged down in Big Data

The infinite monkey theorem states that if enough monkeys were to type on typewriters for long enough, they would eventually produce the works of Shakespeare. To some, that may seem incomprehensible.

The Big Data reshuffle

Can Big Data programmes be run using traditional IT teams, or do organisations need to take a new approach to hiring?

Big Data: big threat?

“Collecting more and more unstructured data will open up another whole degree of attractiveness and may well lead to attackers seeing value in a form not previously recognised by the organisation that owns the data.”

Intel to customise chips for Big Data applications

Software is becoming an important building block in chip design, and customization will help applications gather, manage and analyse data a lot quicker, said Ron Kasabian, general manager of big data solutions at Intel.

Do-it-yourself Big Data

Gulf Air shunned the expensive solutions of the big vendors jumping on the Big Data bandwagon, and became the first Middle East organisation to implement the technology by embracing open-source software with an in-house team.

How to make real-world use of Big Data

What is so new about Big Data, the tech buzzword that is attracting so much attention these days?  Ahmed Auda, Business Unit Executive, IBM Middle East Software Group, demystifies this latest technology trend


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