Digital defence

Matt Gyde, Dimension Data’s Group Executive, Security Business Unit, outlines key IT cyber-security trends to look out for in this year.

Centred security

From SDN to cloud, the transition to any modern technology requires careful management. This all starts in the data centre, where carefully chosen solutions can give the enterprise the best chance of success in terms of security.

Monitoring security

Sanjay Ahuja, VP, Middle East and Africa, AGC Networks, explains why organisations need to leverage Managed Security Services (MSS).

New releases from Dell world forum

Though Dell’s stand at GITEX is seeing a great deal of foot fall this week, it is nothing in comparison to the annual Dell Word Forum currently being held in Austin, Texas.

Rack by rack

Back once again for its third annual outing, CNME’s Data Centre Build roadshow reached Riyadh, Doha and Dubai, drawing in scores of IT decision-makers and industry figureheads to reflect on how to design and optimise the vital foundations of IT infrastructure. We report from the Dubai leg of the conferences.

Losing IT

Highly publicised events have demonstrated that it is now more difficult than ever to protect an organisation’s internal data. Advances in technology and productivity tools have made collaboration in the workplace easier, while also creating new vectors for data to leave the organisation.


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