
The challenge of securing IoT

IoT security challenges include weak authentication and authorisation protocols, insecure software, firmware with hard-coded back doors, poorly designed connectivity and communications, and little to no configurability.

Vintage tech: CD-ROM

The CD-ROM (compact disc, read-only-memory) is an adaptation of the CD that is designed to store computer data in the form of text and graphics, as well as hi-fi stereo sound.

Arthur Dell, Citrix

Why the Desktop-as-a-Service market is on the rise

Citrix’ 2016 Global Desktop-as-a-Service Market Report reveals that 70 percent of its service providers anticipate increased DaaS revenues in this year. Director for Technology Sales and Services, MEA, Arthur Dell, shares more highlights.

The potential of cognitive IT: IBM World of Watson 2016

Glesni Holland reports from World of Watson 2016 in Las Vegas, where IBM executives unveiled the latest innovations in cognitive computing and demonstrated the impact that Watson can have – and is already having – on some of the world’s most important industries.


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