Report: NSA has little success cracking Tor

The US National Security Agency has repeatedly tried to compromise Tor, the government-funded online anonymity tool, but has had little success, according to a new report in the UK’s Guardian.

NSA spying fiasco sending customers overseas

The spectacle of National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden exposing the covert spying nature of US federal officials has sent ripple waves through the technology industry – especially in the outsourcing arena.

Get to know iOS 7: Meet Apple's new mobile OS

iOS 7 is here, and it’s packed full of all sorts of features you don’t want to miss knowing about. Here’s an overview of what you can expect from Apple’s newest operating system, with links to our in-depth articles on each topic.

BleakBerry: The gloomy outlook

BlackBerry’s board has formed a so-called Special Committee to explore strategic alternatives for the future of the company. But what are the options?

Apps drive business productivity, respect for IT

Mobile applications have streamlined business processes and increased the capabilities of Swisse Wellness, Stockland and Eastern Tree Services (ETS), the companies said on a customer panel at the AirWatch Connect conference in Melbourne.


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