Path to protection

When it comes to IT security, the writing has been on the wall for some time. What lessons can be learned from 2015, as even more high profile organisations have fallen victim to cyber-attacks? And what lies in store for the year ahead?

Intelligent engagements

Artificial intelligence (AI), computers behaving like humans is no longer science fiction. As the technology industry progresses, machines are getting smarter and companies across the globe are beginning to realise ways to leverage AI to improve consumer engagement and customer experience.

Thrill of the chase

Madukar Chaturvedi has seen a great deal in his career. From programming through punch cards to the modern era of computing, Chaturvedi reflects on his accomplishments.

IRAN –‘an opportunity of a lifetime’

A raft of Iran sanctions will be lifted in the coming month, and a lot of market key players have expressed high hopes and great interest in the number of opportunities in the country. Asad Sayed, Channel Sales Manager, Acer Middle East, also sees the great potential in this development and discusses what awaits investors and channel players once the sanctions are lifted.

How data-literate is your organisation?

Staying above water

Venturing into the use of Big Data – and in particular, predictive analytics – solutions can be a messy business. We look at what IT leaders can do to get the most out of their sea of data.

Perfect planning

His first days as an international student in Ann Arbor, Michigan were a bit trying. However, it was his determination to move outside his comfort zone that made Alaeddin Al-Badawna, Manager – IT, ADMA-OPCO, the detail-oriented professional he is today.

Port authority

Yousif Almutawa, CIO, DP World, has seen some ups and downs. From a start-up in California during the Internet boom and subsequent crash, to the surge in construction in Dubai in the mid-2000s, Almutawa has learned a few things about success and failure.

BlackBerry CEO Chen demands app neutrality

BlackBerry CEO John Chen wants net neutrality to extend to content and applications, so that developers of apps for Android and iOS will be mandated to develop on the BlackBerry platform as well.

Over 700m change habits post-Snowden

An international survey of Internet users has found that more than 39% have taken steps to protect their online privacy and security as a result of spying revelations by one-time NSA employee Edward Snowden.

Sage strategy

With over a decade’s experience in the banking industry, Faizal Eledath knows that great results don’t come overnight. The National Bank of Oman Chief Information Officer has learned the value of comprehensively understanding a business and its employees before making rash decisions.

To boldly go

Ahmed Yahya, Chief Information Officer, Sheikh Khalifa Medical Centre, takes time out to speak to CNME about his career journey which led him to the Abu Dhabi firm.


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