Making the grade

Perhaps one of the most important foundations for any nation’s success is its education system. Endeavouring to meet the high standards of the UAE’s capital, Abu Dhabi Education Council implemented a modern enterprise management solution to create an integrated system within its networks.


Enterprise Security IT Software Management Big Data Enterprise Group Business White paperState of security operations 2016 2016 report of capabilities …

Storage equilibrium

Most organisations who are looking to add Solid-State Drives (SSD) to their storage environment, are often mindful of finding ways to avoid under-provisioning and ensure performance and scalability. However, to meet cost goals and avoid unnecessary spending they should steer away from over-provisioning. Workload profiling can help orgnisations achieve the critical balance.

Facebook founder to venture into AI in 2016

In a recent Facebook post by the social media site founder Mark Zuckerberg, he announced his intention to work on an Artificial Intelligence system to help him manage his work and home.

Infoblox launches Q3 2015 DNS Threat Index

Infoblox recently announced that the creation of DNS infrastructure by cybercriminals to unleash exploit kits increased 75 percent in third quarter of 2015 from the same period in 2014, as reported in the newest edition of the Infoblox DNS Threat Index.

FireEye uncovers China-based hacker exploits

According to a recent report by FireEye, a hacking group suspected of operating from China has had success stealing information from mostly Indian targets, often pertaining to border disputes and trade issues.

Lighting up

Cellular networks in the Middle East will need fatter pipes to the wired Internet to keep delivering a satisfying mobile experience, and fibre is emerging as the best for mobile backhaul networks.

Sir Ian Lobban has called upon organisations to recognise the urgency in being prepared for cyber-attacks

Gang steals $1 billion in largest ever cyber-theft

A cybercriminal gang has stolen up to $1 billion from banks in at least 25 countries over the last two years, infiltrating networks with malware and spying on employees’ computers to facilitate large wire transfers, Kaspersky Lab has revealed.


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