Hospitality headhunt

With a wealth of hospitality IT experience under his belt, Prasanna Rupasinghe, Director of IT and AV, Kempinski Hotel, Mall of the Emirates, knows what it takes to keep his guests happy. His reputation for accomplished projects have ensured that he has always had an array of Middle Eastern companies chasing his services.

Microsoft launches hybrid cloud push

With a series of cloud announcements on Monday, Microsoft moved to put a stake in the ground with hybrid cloud computing and emerge from the shadow of cloud rivals Google and Amazon.

Preview: Windows Server 10

No major changes compared to Windows Server 2012 R2, but some very good incremental ones. With this just a very early version, here are some changes you might want to consider as you decide when to start looking at the release.

Infor announces XI platform

Application software firm Infor, has announced the release of Infor XI, an enterprise technology platform for next-generation applications.

A safe bet

The OS wars are nothing new. Every user has a laundry list of reasons why their operating system is king. One of the key points in determining which OS reigns supreme is security. CNME investigates the security successes and pitfalls of the most commonly used operating systems.

Staying ahead of the game

Channel players say a holistic perspective is lacking when it comes to deploying BYOD solutions in the region. Reseller ME discusses how partners can make the most in this space.

Managing the cloud

As storage and computing power move from traditional bare-metal solutions, the next step is to find managing software that maintains the resource conservation, cost savings and agility that is the very draw of cloud computing. CNME investigates the benefits of open-source cloud management and what to look out for when choosing a management solution.

Framing the future

On 8th April, IBM celebrated the 50th anniversary of System/360, its mainframe system which transformed the computing world. James Dartnell reports from the Mainframe50 conference in New York City where the infrastructure giant celebrated the milestone with the release of new cloud and Hadoop services.

Cisco’s IoT chief resigns

Cisco Systems’ point man on the Internet of Things (IoT) has resigned just as industries start to explore how millions of sensors and devices can be connected over networks.

IBM making push for Power server chips

An IBM project to widen the use of its Power server chips inched forward Wednesday with Big Blue trying to challenge Intel for a bigger role in the hyperscale data centres run by the likes of Google and Facebook.

Oracle identifies products affected by Heartbleed

Oracle has issued a comprehensive list of its software that may or may not be affected by the OpenSSL (secure sockets layer) vulnerability known as Heartbleed, while warning that no fixes are yet available for some likely affected products.


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