Sun takes another swing

Having coined the phrase “the network is the computer” more than a decade ago Sun Microsystems could expect to be …

War against software piracy

Microsoft and its hardware partners has announced successful anti-piracy raids on two computer resellers in Dubai who were found downloading …

Virtual action

What kind of key opportunities do you see in the Middle Eastern market? According to IDC, IT expenditure in the …

Symantec’s warning

Symantec is warning of a sharp jump in online attacks that appear to be targeting a recently patched bug in …

Equipped to play

Managing client devices continues to challenge IT staff looking to equip end users with productivity tools while also protecting networks …

Here comes USB 3.0

A standards group released specifications for a new Universal Serial Bus standard that could speed up data transfers between computers …

Virtual World

Thanks to the XenSource acquisition, Citrix has inherited one of the most advanced technologies for open source virtualization: however Xen …

‘Business gateway for Cloud’

Microsoft’s new launch of Azure Service Platform, which includes the cloud operating system called Windows Azure, defines the scalable backend …


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