iPhone 6 and 6 Plus alternatives

Apple’s release of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus mark the end of the company’s streak as the lone major holdout in a smartphone sector dominated by larger devices. So what’s the competition like?

Nadella seeks to axe failing hardware

Microsoft’s quarterly financials are out, and they paint a startlingly clear picture of why new CEO Satya Nadella is in such a hurry to scuttle away from the “devices and services” mantra rolled out by former honcho Steve Ballmer just last year.

Microsoft may drag out layoffs for a year

Microsoft yesterday said it could take as long as a year to lafiredy off the 18,000 workers who will be eventually shown the door, a drawn-out process that was criticised by both labour experts and industry analysts.

Microsoft Mobile: Restored glory?

Microsoft has finally closed its $7.2 billion acquisition of Nokia’s handset business, and now has an added opportunity to impose its ‘Microsoft Everywhere’ approach on technology, writes James Dartnell.

It's all about mobile

Around 75,000 people descended on the Catalonian city for the 2014 Mobile World Congress, which showcased faster and more flexible mobile networks and shiny new smartphones, among other connected things.

Satya Nadella to succeed Ballmer as Microsoft CEO

Microsoft has finally concluded its protracted search and chosen its new CEO: Satya Nadella, who as executive vice president of the company’s Cloud and Enterprise group has successfully steered the shift of the company’s back-end server software and tools to the cloud.


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