Technology and Business Society (TBS) announced the launch of a new initiative to create the Chief Information Officers (CIOs) Advisory Council to identify, discuss and advise on Information Technology issues and innovations, and develop standards, guidelines and best practices for different industries.
In a statement, Esam Hadi, Chairman of TBS said “this initiative will help the IT industry to serve as a medium for the exchange of ideas between members, and will enable members to discuss IT strategic issues of common interest, develop solutions, provide perspective and direction for the development of standards, guidelines and best practices. It will also provide a discussion platform for CIOs to proactively collaborate and provide perspective and direction for the development of the IT industry”.
Hadi added “The initiative will be implemented by inviting CIOs in selected domains to join the Council. The Council will be convened on regular basis and, as needed, Technology and Solutions owners will be invited to present their new products and solutions to CIOs, which would serve to keep Council members abreast of the state-of-the-art in the IT industry”.
TBS was founded last September as an organisation licensed by the Ministry of Social Development to provide strategic consulting in the IT field to develop future strategies for Medium and Large Enterprises (MLEs). Moreover, the Society aims to build and develop scientific and professional IT capabilities and knowhow, and ensure constructive communication between all TBS members. Its goals also include providing support and promoting green environment-friendly information technology.