
Sony to launch razor-thin Android TV

XBR55X900CThe battle for the bragging rights to the world’s thinnest TV is always something that comes to the fore at the Consumer Electronics Show, and this year Sony says it has come away with winner with three big-screen sets that are as thin as a few coins.

The TVs, due to be announced at a news conference on Sunday, feature a design that gives the illusion of almost no frame around their LCD screens and are as thin as 4.5 millimeters – that’s a little thinner than three U.S. quarters or about the same thickness as two euro coins.

They support 4K resolution, which is four times the resolution of today’s best high-definition TV. While 4K content is still thin on the ground, Sony has been making some of its movies available to 4K TV owners and is also launching on Sunday two new cameras that will record in the format. The cheapest of the two cameras, a GoPro-style action cam, will cost $500.

The televisions are based on Google’s Android TV platform, which will allow consumers to access online video streaming services such as YouTube, Hulu and Netflix, directly from their TV. Voice search is also built into the platform to enable finding content and Google Cast enables video to be streamed from compatible Android smartphones.

Sony was one of a number of companies announced by Google as backing the new platform. The other major TV maker was Sharp.

The TVs will only be available in the U.S. and will come in three models: the 55-inch XBR-55X900C, the 65-inch XBR-65X900C, and the 85-inch XBR-85X900C.

Prices or launch dates were not immediately announced.


Originally published on IDG News Service (San Francisco Bureau). Click here to read the original story. Reprinted with permission from Story copyright 2025 International Data Group. All rights reserved.
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