Social Media Threat Awareness: Extend Security Awareness Skills to Personal Life.

Social Media Threat Awareness: Extend Security Awareness Skills to Personal Life.
DDoS Attack Trends for Q1 2022: Cloudflare Report.
Malicious Hackers go to Work as We Head for the Sun: Travellers Need to be on Their Guard Over the Summer Holidays and Weekend Breaks.
1 in 5 HTML Email Attachments Found to be Malicious, Barracuda Research.
Conti Ransomware Gang Attacked 17 UAE Companies Finds Group-IB Report.
Safety and security in tourist capital, Dubai While the city of Dubai is touted as one of the safest in …
F5 Labs discovers new strain of Android malware targeting online banking customers DS.
The shift to the subscription economy has created a new norm in the as-a-service world. And it’s not just Netflix …
Trend Micro forecasts major risks for organisations in 2022 through its latest Cyber Risk Index.
EVAD, a Middle East value-added distributor focusing on Computer and Network Security, has held its channel partners summit this year …