Microsoft has revamped the browser ballot screen demanded by European Union antitrust regulators and may get final approval as early …
Hybrid warfare has altered the security landscape: cybersecurity experts
The blurring of lines between the different modes of warfare and weaponisation of non-military means undermine the foundation of the state is one of the most significant security challenges today, experts said.0 6638Scammers get better tools for tapping social networks
New tools capable of quickly finding, gathering and correlating information about individuals from social networking sites and other public sources …
Security firm retracts ‘black screen’ claims, apologizes to Microsoft
The U.K. security company that started a firestorm after claiming recent Windows security updates caused a widespread “black screen” lock-out …
Microsoft game software preps soldiers for battle
Soldiers may go into battle better prepared to handle equipment and with a greater knowledge of their surroundings after an …
Scammers get better tools for tapping social networks
New tools capable of quickly finding, gathering and correlating information about individuals from social networking sites and other public sources …
Cloud security service from Webroot looks for malware
Webroot announced that it has extended its cloud-based Web security service, adding a way to filter outbound as well as … tops Black Friday e-tail lists
Online retailers may be looking at a rosier holiday shopping season than they had been expecting. After a year of …
Microsoft investigates Windows 'black screen of death'
Microsoft confirmed that it is looking into reports that November’s security updates have triggered a black screen on some Windows …
Microsoft investigates Windows ‘black screen of death’
Microsoft today confirmed that it is looking into reports that November's security updates have triggered a black screen on some …
Latest Microsoft patches cause black screen of death
Microsoft's latest round of security patches appears to be causing some PCs to seize up and display a black screen, …