Royal Oman Police’s (ROP’s) eServices have emerged as the most used across government electronic services, according to research from the Sultanate’s Information Technology Authority (ITA).
The ROP’s eServices were ranked the highest in terms of awareness among the public, as well as usage.
The ROP was up against eServices from the Ministry of Health, Muscat Municipality, the Ministry of Manpower and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Ninety-three percent of the respondents were aware of the ROP’s services, while 86 per cent had used them in the past.
When asked about the reasons for not using the government eServices, meanwhile, low network speed was cited as the biggest inhibitor by 34 percent of respondents, while 9 percent named a lack of experience in using the technology as the biggest factor.
The second most visible and used eService belonged to the Ministry of Manpower, with 76 percent aware of its services and 59 percent having used them.
The survey also revealed that 57 percent of respondents pay their phone bills, 56 percent pay Internet bills and 33 percent pay electricity bills through eServices.
“Some of the general comments addressed by the survey respondents were the lack of integration between all these entities, which resulted in having incomplete end-to-end eServices,” an ITA spokesperson said. “Respondents reported low network speed despite the high prices of telecommunication offers in the Sultanate.”