Always looking for new sources of information on everything-BlackBerry? Yeah, me too. And today I've got some good news. BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion (RIM) has launched two official blogs for BlackBerry enthusiasts: Inside BlackBerry, “The Official BlackBerry Blog” for the general BlackBerry Community; and the BlackBerry Developer's Blog, which is specifically aimed at BlackBerry software developers.
Inside BlackBerry isn't exactly “brand new”–it first launched last spring. But it does seem to be getting a bit more attention from Waterloo nowadays. Visitors can expect to find everything from BlackBerry how-tos and tips and tricks to RIM event coverage on Inside BlackBerry. And it's staffed by a “team of smartphone experts, each focused on a particular feature,” according to the blog.
The BlackBerry Developer's Blog is brand new, and it'll be maintained by RIM's Director of Developer Relations Mike Kirkup and his team. The blog's first entry just went up yesterday and today Kirkup's already posted another great tutorial on ways to embed media within applications.
You'll still want to keep my BlackBerry Bible bookmarked, but there are certainly worse places to pick up BlackBerry-related news and information than RIM's official blogs.