Intel has recently launched “The Intel AI Challenge for the Olympic Games” as a call for ideas from the developer community on how artificial intelligence can help to enhance the world’s largest sporting event.
The announcement was made at Intel AI DevCon and in the tech firm’s capacity as a Worldwide TOP Partner and the Official artificial intelligence (AI) Platform Partner for the Olympic Games.
Naveen Rao, corporate vice president and general manager, Artificial Intelligence Product Group, Intel, said, “As a Worldwide TOP Partner and the Official AI Platform Partner for the Olympic Games, Intel is proud to demonstrate the power of technology to help enhance the Olympic experience for fans and athletes around the world. Today, we’re inviting the developer community to join us in potentially creating an amazing AI experience for fans and athletes at the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 by submitting their ideas through the Intel AI Challenge for the Olympic Games.”
As part of the new initiative, the AI community has three weeks to submit ideas for enhancing the Olympic experience with artificial intelligence.
Developers can consider how AI could transform the fan and athlete experience, in addition to business applications – from operations and logistics, to the viewing experience, to improving competition. “No idea is too big or too small to consider,” said Intel.
Developers have the opportunity to win part of our $10,000 prize purse for their ideas.
“At the Olympic Winter Games Pyeongchang 2018, we saw the power of technology to bring fans and athletes together around the world in a new and impactful way,” said Timo Lumme, managing director of the IOC Television and Marketing Services.
“Now we are excited to see how Intel will use artificial intelligence to help bring the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 to the next level – connecting fans and athletes like never before.”