The Sharjah Girl Guides has taken part in the UAE Innovation Month activities in Sharjah with two highly advanced projects, using their technical skills to design and create workable models of specialised public services and facilities.

As one of SGG’s key philosophies to contribute to the community and act with social responsibility, 15 guides (aged 12 to 15 years) designed and produced a 3D-printed model of a park for children that could be used by individuals with disability and special needs to enjoy leisure time and interact with their able-bodied peers.
In the second of the two projects for Sharjah’s Innovation Week, the organisation created a 3D-printed book about the iconic landmarks in Sharjah. The concept behind the book was to educate residents and visitors about the emirate, while the girls were introduced to modern design and technology methods.
In learning Computer Aided Design (CAD) and 3D-printing techniques, the girls also reinforced their skills in working as a team to develop their ideas and highlighted SGG’s role in developing their abilities to play a meaningful and potentially professional role in technology in the future.
Shaikha Al Shamsi, Manager of SGG, said, “Sharjah Innovation Week provided the perfect opportunity for the guides to not only challenge themselves in a technical environment but also required them to innovate in ways that could give back to the community.
“The park model for children with special needs showed the guides’ skills in the design elements of the project and their understanding of how to accommodate children of various abilities and needs, and how to make their lifestyles more enjoyable and their leisure time more accessible.”