
EMC: UAE behind in data protection

dubai_660EMC has announced the findings of a new global data protection study that reveals that data loss and downtime have cost enterprises $1.7 trillion (globally) in the last twelve months.

Data loss is up by 400 percent since 2012 while 71 percent of organisations are still not fully confident in their ability to recover after a disruption.

The UAE currently ranks 24th in terms of enterprise maturity and approach towards data protection.

The study found that data loss and downtime cost enterprises in the UAE $2.8 billion, yet only 34 percent of organisations consider data protection to be totally critical to their success.

Also, 77 percent of respondents in the country report suffering a disruption in the last 12 months.

Respondents were IT decision makers within organisations employing over 250 people.  There were a total of 3,300 respondents from 24 countries, and 125 respondents were interviewed in the UAE.

Meanwhile, 90 percent of respondents had no data recovery plans in place for Big Data/ or data lakes, 86 percent had none for hybrid cloud applications, and 74 percent none for mobile devices

“This research highlights the misalignment between the consequence of downtime and data loss and the approach towards preventing or even recovering from an incident,” Fady Richmany, Senior Regional Director, Data Protection and Availability Division in Turkey, Eastern Europe, Africa, and Middle East, EMC, said. “With 77 percent of organisations in the UAE reported to have suffered some form of downtime and data loss and still 46 percent of enterprises feeling challenged to protect hybrid cloud, big data and mobile, it’s understandable that almost all of them lack the confidence that data protection will be able to meet future business challenges.”

Participants were awarded points based on their responses, ranking their data protection maturity in one of four categories: laggards, evaluators, adopters and leaders.

Globally 13% rank ahead of the curve, with 11% classed as adopters and 2% considered leaders.

China has the greatest number of companies ahead of the curve (30 percent) and the UAE the least (0 percent).

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