The National Reference Laboratory (NRL) has announced the successful completion and operation of an interface project linking its laboratory information systems to Salama, a new electronic medical record (EMR) system launched by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) in April this year, which will result in the provision of a faster and more effective treatment of patients.
Salama is an integrated electronic medical record system across DHA’s network and includes information related to patients’ medical history and treatment information, and is available to DHA’s physicians at the click of a button.
Through the “bi-directional, real-time” interface connecting DHA and NRL, now part of Mubadala Investment Company’s network of healthcare providers, Dubai Health Authority physicians will now have access to NRL’s menu of testing solutions, allowing doctors to automatically send test orders to NRL, and for test results performed by NRL to be sent and stored in each patient’s unique EMR.
Since 70% of diagnostic decisions are informed by laboratory test results, DHA expects the initiative to enhance medical care provided to DHA patients.
“The Salama project, the first of its kind in the Middle East region, is a comprehensive electronic system applied in all DHA healthcare facilities, including hospitals, primary healthcare, medical fitness centres, and specialised centres,” said Humaid Al Qatami, board chairman and director-general of DHA. “The project creates a uniform individual e-record of an individual patient’s medical information, enabling the physician to easily obtain the patient’s file, regardless of where the patient was last treated within the DHA network.”
In June, the DHA launched the Salem Medical Fitness System to facilitate the preparation of medical examination applications online for companies with over 50 employees.
The move has allowed firms with over 50 employees in Dubai to benefit from online medical examination applications for their workers, instead of having to enter their data via the centres.