Government service centres across Dubai will close for one day next month, in a bid to encourage customers to turn to smart channels to complete transactions.

Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, on Saturday approved ‘A Day without Service Centres’ initiative to close centres across the emirate on Thursday 26th October 2017.
The Dubai Department of Finance, launched the initiative, which comes as part of the vital role DOF plays as an established central entity concerned with collecting public revenues for the Dubai government.
Speaking about the project, Abdulrahman Saleh Al Saleh, Director-General of DoF, said, “Instantly, all government entities across the Dubai government have started co-operating to make the initiative a success. This first-of-a-kind initiative comes in with the supreme directions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to make Dubai the world’s happiest and smartest city.”
He added, “DoF plays a key role towards achieving Dubai’s vision and strategy aiming to realise full smart transformation in the emirate. I call on all government service entities in Dubai to enhance such constructive co-operation to make ‘A Day without Service Centres’ initiative a success.
Customer service centres will dedicate their efforts on Thursday, 26th October, to spread awareness among customers of the “importance of transformation to smart channels to complete transactions, whether via smart apps or the web,” said Al Saleh. “On that day, all transactions requiring payments will be stopped for one day at the centres but will remain available through all smart channels.”
Jamal Hamed Al Marri, Executive Director of the Central Accounts Sector at DoF, said that service transactions will be available through the ‘Dubai Now’ app and other government apps available on smartphones.
“There will also be the web-based channels via computers, and centres will resume normal operations after that date. ‘A Day without Service Centres’ initiative will be held annually and will see expansion. Participating government entities have expressed their happiness and excitement to take part in the initiative, and promised to work towards making it a success by encouraging customers to go for smart channels,” he added.
The full list of centres that will close on October 26th is yet to be released.