The Dubai Electronic Security Center (DESC) presented the Dubai IoT security standard to representatives from government and semi-government entities in the city of Dubai on Thursday.
The development of the Dubai IoT security standard is an initiative introduced by the centre that aims to provide entities with a set of basic security controls that they should refer to whenever a new IoT device or platform is deployed.
The standard is built with consideration of the “wide diversity of IoT devices” and their corresponding capabilities.
The stand is aiming to be the first of its kind across the world, with DESC noting the absence of internationally recognised IoT security standards that have the same levels of detail.
The Dubai IoT Security Standard covers all the important security measures from authentication to cryptography and from data privacy to physical security, according to DESC.
The new security certification scheme for the cloud service providers was also introduced.
Both IoT and cloud security standards sessions allowed attendees to exchange comments and questions with the organizers from DESC.
DESC said that the new standard for the IoT security will enable Dubai to be one of the first cities in the world leading IoT security regulations at a city level.
This standard forms part of the Dubai Cyber Security Strategy, which aims to continuously develop the relevant standards that will secure the recent technologies and challenges within the city of Dubai.
The UAE’s Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, recently said that the Internet of Things would add $10-15 trillion to the global economy in the coming 20 years.
In October, meanwhile, the Dubai IoT strategy was launched. The strategy seeks to build the world’s “most advanced” IoT ecosystem to improve people’s lives.
The strategy aims to encourage government departments to join the emirate’s smart transformation and achieve the objectives of the Smart Dubai Plan 2021 to transition to a totally paperless government.