Michael Dell today walked out in front of five thousand people in the home of Dell – Austin, Texas – and delivered his keynote for DellWorld 2012 saying that despite the calming results of Dell’s year, the company is moving aggressively forward.
Discussing mobility, BYOD, and big data, Dell said that PCs still and always will have a major role to play in enterprise. He then detailed a new strategy for developing and deploying PCs which hopes to enable new user experiences, whilst meeting current enterprise demands.
The major issues surrounding new technologies are manageability, increased sophistication of security threats and reliability, claimed Dell.
He believes the company has continued to innovate and expand in these areas and provides complete industry leading products which are designed to push Dell and its customers into the future.
“PCs will still play a massive part, we know this. Take a look at Windows 8, that’s a sign now of a full personal computer,” said Dell.
As well as this, Dell took time to discuss the company’s latest strategy for being a complete end-to-end services provider.
“You need to deliver software, applications, support and services these days,” he said.
“In the last four years we have been committed to our full end-to-end strategy and we have been seeing good growth where our competitors haven’t.”
Dell claimed that recent innovations have put more power into more hands than ever before and that taking advantage of this can help more the world forward into a more sustainable and stable future.
“Services bring everything together. We have shown so much dedication and innovation in this area and have recently seen 12% end-to-end growth in our full services sector.”
He showed a video titled ‘what you did’ which showed a number of landmark achievements by mankind over the past year, which he claimed was all down to the power of collaboration. The achievements included landing a probe on the surface of Mars, shedding light on dark matter in the Large Hadron Collider in CERN, and studying neutrinos deep underground.
Stressing the commitment to moving forward into a future where Dell can provide more products and more services which aim to serve a wider customer base than ever, he introduced the 42nd President of the United States, Bill Clinton.
Clinton walked onstage to a standing ovation from the five thousand strong crowd, as well a warming laughter for his Texas bought, two-shade cowboy boots.
Clinton thanked everyone who had participated in the Clinton Global Foundation which targets inequality, healthcare, poverty and more.
Clinton delivered a very personable speech focused on pushing the issues of inequality in the economy and all over the world which can be reduced and improved with the help of companies such as Dell.
Clinton and Dell spoke of a new initiative which hopes to support young entrepreneurs coming into business, by giving them opportunities to grow and expand, creating more jobs and rewarding hard working innovators around the world.
“Technology is moving fast, and we need to use that technology and collaborate together to build opportunities for growth and our nation and the rest of the world,” said Clinton.
“When I was in office there was only 50 websites, there’s probably been more than that built since I started this speech,” he joked.
Clinton and Dell concluded with a Q and A session which highlighted the main themes of the keynotes and discussed the importance of developing sustainable, stable futures for the planet and the role that Dell and other major IT software, application, product and services companies call play in that.
CNME Sub-Editor Joe Lipscombe is reporting live from DellWorld, Austin, Texas. Follow @Computernewsme for live updates.