The Community Development Authority (CDA) in Dubai is presented it’s entire range of e-services particularly the Integrated Case Management System (ICMS) at GITEX Technology week 2011.
“Information technology is advancing rapidly. Participating in GITEX has enabled us to learn about the latest technologies used in various sectors such as telecommunications, aviation, health, tourism and industry,” added His Excellency Khaled Al Kamda, director general of CDA.
The ICMS-, introduced by CDA at GITEX 2011, is an innovative technology that helps to manage and follow up on special cases in the Dubai community, which require special efforts in social inclusion and enabling people to be part of the development process, the authority said.
Representatives said that the system is linked with other systems such as the National Identity initiative and others related to CDA such as the call centre, e-mail and SMS service. The system has advanced features including the provision of entering data directly from the field through mobile devices thus enabling researchers to build a database in a faster and easier way, CDA reported.
CDA also provides various other electronic services for the public such as registering volunteers and recording complaints on human rights violation as well as enrollment in the “AlKayt” employment programme for people with disabilities. Electronic channels are also employed in enhancing internal communications with CDA employees.
The CDA is a government entity mandated with enhancing the social development in Dubai to achieve the Dubai strategic plan 2015 which was announced by His Highness Sheikh Mohamed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum on February 2007.