Al Falak Electronic Equipment & Supplies Company has revealed its move of offering its ICT-based services to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s (KSA) banking and finance segment.
The company is expected to leverage its diverse portfolio of services across banking institutions operating in the Kingdom. Services to be offered include the installation of integrated projects covering audio, visual and data systems; consultancy on ICT-related issues; implementation of LAN, WAN, WLAN and Ethernet solutions; IPTV and connection services and integrated security systems to help protect the bank’s internal networks.
Al-Falak along with Nihilent now offers a range of consulting-led services in a cross section of industry domains including Banking and Financial Intuitions, as well as other supply chains. logistics, oil & gas, mobile computing and telecommunications, media and entertainment, government and state-run enterprises, technology and related services, healthcare, and small and medium enterprises.
Solutions also include consulting services such as IT Process Consulting, IT Consulting (Enterprise Architecture & Strategic IT Planning), Business Process Consulting (Lean and Six Sigma), Change Management using MC3 TM. In addition to technology services’ solutions such as Development, Maintenance & Re-engineering in various technologies, Package implementation, Program Management & Integration Management, Testing and IT Infrastructure Services.
Hasan Ba-Mehrez, GM of Software Product Division (SPD), Al Falak, said, “Since being established in (1982), we have been developing our business and services portfolio to help address the requirements presented by customers coming from various industry verticals. We have now started to offer our services and solutions to banks across the KSA–a move that we have implemented in response to bank customers asking to install certain services that we offer. Al Falak has now developed a comprehensive and integrated range of services for the banking segment in mind, which reflects the high levels of customer satisfaction about the services we provide. Rest assured that we will remain steadfast in our commitment towards improving our services by signing agreements with the leading international companies and via the adoption of best practices in order to achieve excellence, maintain customer satisfaction and attract new customers.”