Anshul Srivastav, CIO, Union Insurance

Reinsurance V2.x

The regulated world is going through a turmoil of continuous change, and STIC is not a problem unique to reinsurers and insurers. Union Insurance CIO Anshul Srivastav examines the transformation of the reinsurance industry.

Is WhatsApp missing a trick?

Avaya Director for Sales Engineering for the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Pacific Savio Tovar Dias gives his take on WhatsApp’s most recent announcement and how it can be instrumental in improving customer experiences.

What lies within

Mohammed Abukhater, Regional Director, Middle East and North Africa, FireEye, discusses the risks brought by insider threats and what it means for your business.

H.E. Dr Aisha Bin Bishr on Dubai’s pursuit of happiness

Spearheading the emirate’s ambitions to be a “happier” Smart City by 2020, director general of Smart Dubai, H.E. Dr Aisha Bin Bishr, is also a champion of bringing more women into the tech industry. James Dartnell caught up with her at the 18th Global Women In Leadership forum.

Synchronised security

Harish Chib, Vice President Middle East and Africa, Sophos, explains how channel partners can play a critical role in easing security pains for CSOs and help achieve synchronised security.

7 ways to take back control of your cloud strategy

Gaining visibility and control over cloud apps is the first step in putting IT professionals firmly in the driver’s seat with respect to cloud IT planning. Here are seven actions that will empower IT professionals in the cloud generation –

Why trust matters in the digital era

Megha Kumar, Senior Research Manager, Software and Enterprise Solutions, IDC Middle East, Turkey and Africa, explores the value of building a culture of confidence throughout the public and private sectors in the era of IoT and Blockchain.

The importance of IT and HR collaboration

IT and HR are both fundamental departments in every business and a lot of what they do directly impacts bottom line. We take a look at how collaboration between these two crucial business arms can further a business’ success.


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